Painting Test

To see what my final paintings might look like I took a small canvas and a photo I had from the previous project to create a quick study. I painted the background purple and just filled in the main colours with a touch of shadows and highlights. Compared to the paintings from my previous project I find that the purple functions differently, it feels more present than the faded cream palette, which I used to create a sense of absence and isolation. The difference in colour gave the piece a different feeling though the compositions were similar. The purple is undeniably a more positive and bold colour and I think that it adds positivity and strength, which wouldn’t apply to the feeling I was aiming for in the last project but I feel it definitely does what I want it to for the paintings I’ll be doing for this project. Although just a quick and undetailed painting, it serves its purpose and was valuable in confirming my decision to use purple tones in my final paintings.

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